Notable Cases
Southern District of Georgia 2023
Ms. Pollock was hired in 2020 to represent a man identified as the kingpin of an international drug conspiracy engaged in shark fin sales and money laundering. After extensive pretrial litigation the government offered her client diversion. The company is pleading...
Federal Court, Lexington KY 2020
Ms. Pollock represented a man charged with drug transportation and money laundering charges in federal court in EDKY, Lexington, KY. During the two month trial, the pandemic broke out. Kentucky residents were ordered to shelter in place, but the jury wanted the trial...
US vs. Lin (NDCA) San Jose 2018
Filing false tax returns for 2006 and 2007 with a violation of FBAR. Government alleged hundreds of thousands of dollars of unreported income which defense claimed was money held as a nominee for family business money. After aone month trial, Jury acquitted on 2007...
Chong Produce (NDCA) 2017
In 2012 Client’s bank accounts were seize ($250,000) and the government was going to file Structured Financial Transaction charges. Ms. Pollock was able to persuade the government not to file criminal charges and instead an agreement was reached to forfeit the $250,000.
U.S. v. Sands (NDCA) 2017
Client was convicted of Conspiracy to Distribute Heroin. Govt wanted a prison sentence of 4 years but Ms. Pollock was able to get Client into the CAP program (Conviction Alternative Program). After one year in a residential program, the court sentenced him to...
Board of Equalization v. Sharkis (Santa Clara Superior Court) 2015
BOE seized client’s safety deposit box to satisfy a lien. Third party claim filed. Court ruled in favor of third party and property was returned.
U.S. v. Guadiano (NDCA) 2015
Mail fraud involving loss to bank of $220,000. Government agreed to diversion for one year and then case was dismissed.
U.S. v. Wills (EDCA) 2015
Transportation of 60 lbs of marijuana over two and a half year period from California to Wisconsin. Guideline range was 24-30 months. Court gave 10 months.
People v. Rapaport (San Joaquin Superior Court), 2015
Traffic stop in Trinity in which police found 14lbs of marijuana. Subsequent search of client’s house resulted in seizure of 29 lbs. of marijuana and guns. Motion to suppress granted. Court found that officer did not have probable cause to search the car.
People v. Uwakah (Alameda County Superior Court), 2012
Nursing student charged with vehicular manslaughter following traffic accident in which her backseat driver was killed. Charges were dismissed.
People v. Keltner (Mendocino Superior Court), 2013
Case in Ukiah involving large grow of marijuana plants. Court granted Franks hearing and ruled that affiant police officer lied to the magistrate in obtaining the search warrant. Motion granted and all evidence seized was suppressed (marijuana and many guns).
U.S. v. Shaw (NDCA, Oakland), 2013
Extortion case involving well known basketball coach. Loss was limited to $200,000.00.Government agreed to 27 months although court wanted to increase the sentence. Client had extensive criminal record.
U.S. v. Derricott (NDCA, SF), 2013
Mortgage and bank fraud charges involving loss of $3,438,000 million. Govt. wanted 51 months and defense argued for 10 months followed by lengthy home detention. Judge Alsup gave 20 months with home detention for 16 months.
U.S. v. Hudson (NDCA), 2012
Distribution of cocaine (total of 213 grams). Binding sentence of 30 days, instead of the guideline range of 30 months.
U.S. v. Cerna (NDCA, SF), 2011
Randy Sue Pollock secured the only acquittal out of the seven men charged with drug and weapons trafficking, racketeering, conspiracy, firearms convictions and murder. The five-month, 150-witness trial ended with client Walter Cruz-Zavala found not guilty on all...
U.S. v. Carrington (NDCA Oakland), 2010
Randy Sue Pollock garnered another victory when four counts of wire fraud and several counts of tax evasion were dismissed against her client, who was charged with defrauding investors of nearly $4 million. Ms. Pollock successfully negotiated a favorable plea...
U.S v. Davis (NDCA, Oakland), 2002
By persuading the court her client was "injured, depressed and remorseful,” Randy Sue Pollock secured a shorter sentence for Rick Lee Davis, who confessed to robbing several banks in Northern California before U.S. District Judge D. Lowell Jensen. Mr. Davis,...
U.S. v. Pil (NDCA SF), 2000
Randy Sue Pollock triumphed with a probation-only sentence for a San Francisco rabbi who pleaded guilty to one count of illegally structuring bank deposits to avoid reporting requirements. In 1995, Rabbi Pil and his employees deposited $1.7 million in a way that...